Against The Grain

The mission of AtG is to demonstrate the love of Christ to disadvantaged children and single mothers through service and by empowering them to become self supporting, knowledgeable, involved members of society.
The women enrolled in the 180 program understand that their plan for life isn’t working and they need to do a 180. The 180 program is not easy. They make a minimum two year commitment to group and individual training designed to instill new disciplines of life. Every woman completes a one year life-stewardship curriculum, but AtG provides a holistic approach, identifying the root causes of the struggles and developing a customized plan for each individual to overcome their specific challenges. This comprehensive approach is much more demanding but results in a sustainable plan of independence.

The basic curriculum for the 180 program includes Budgeting 101, 2 six week parenting classes, Jobs for Life, Financial Stewardship, Purpose Driven Life and Self Esteem classes. Referral services are offered and educational opportunities are made available through scholarships and partnerships with several local colleges and tech-schools. This first segment of the training lasts one year, during which time the women are partnered with a life-coach who joins them at a monthly support group and maintains regular accountability.

During the second year of the program the life-coach and the AtG staff work with the mother to ensure the implementation of the training and completion of their customized plan. The mother also becomes an encourager for a new mom beginning the program.

For more information on volunteering, donating or giving financially to this amazing organization please visit them at

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